Andrei Kostrichkin

Andrei Kostrichkin was an American actor born on August 24, 1901, in St. Petersburg, Russian Empire (now Russia). He is best known for his roles in The Overcoat (1926), Zhenitba Zhana Knukke (1935), and Les (1932). Kostrichkin was married to Yanina Zheymo and passed away on February 28, 1973, in Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR (now St. Petersburg, Russia).

Personal and Family Life

Andrei Kostrichkin married Yanina Zheymo, with whom he had one child. Their marriage eventually ended in divorce. Details about his early family life are scarce, but Kostrichkin’s career in acting started early in his life, contributing to his personal experiences and growth as an artist.

Death and Legacy

Andrei Kostrichkin died on February 28, 1973, in Leningrad. He left behind a legacy as a talented actor recognized for his contributions to early Soviet cinema. His performances continue to be appreciated by film enthusiasts and contribute to the rich history of Russian film.


TitleRelease DateCharacter
Шинель1926-05-10Акакий Акакиевич Башмачкин (маленький чиновник-мечтатель)
Новый Вавилон1929-01-01The main shop-assistant
Чёрный парус1929-07-01
Станица Дальняя1940-04-19
Пирогов1947-12-16The late one
Чужая родня1956-01-16Old man at the wedding
Три толстяка1966-06-06
Снежная королева1967-11-06Hobgoblin
Чёртово колесо1926-03-15Drummer
Девушка спешит на свидание1936-08-23Портье
Сокровище погибшего корабля1935-12-08
Чужой пиджак1927-01-01
Пой песню, поэт…1973-03-22Granddad
СВД – Союз великого дела1927-03-22Servant of Medoks
Зանգեզուր1938-05-23Denikin’s colonel
Ищу протекции1932-10-25
Степан Кольчугин1957-07-10Deaf old man
Казнены на рассвете1965-04-19Shveytsar (as A. Kostrichkin)
დავით გურამიშვილი1946-10-17Chemist
Бакинцы1938-06-04Gendarme captain Colonel Markov