Børge Andersen

Børge Andersen was a Danish actor who is best known for Den mandlige husassistent, Vintersolhverv, and Den pantsatte bondedreng.

Personal and Family Life

Børge Andersen was born on August 31, 1909, in Copenhagen, Denmark. Information about his family life is limited, but he was known for his contributions to the film industry, particularly during the mid-20th century.

Death and Legacy

Børge Andersen passed away on July 19, 1966. His work in film remains part of Danish cinematic history, with a few notable roles that continue to be remembered by film enthusiasts.


1938Den mandlige husassistentJørgen Erlandsen
1956Historien om en soldatJanitshar (danser) (as Børge Ritz Andersen)
1958Den pantsatte bondedrengPostkarl