Edvard Drabløs

Edvard Drabløs was an American actor known for his roles in films and theater, particularly in Norway. He is best recognized for his performances in “Ordet,” “Gjest Baardsen,” and “Trysil-Knut.”

Personal and Family Life

Edvard Drabløs was born on April 1, 1883, in Velledalen, a beautiful valley in Sykkylven, Norway. He was the oldest son of a farmer and started his theater journey with a local amateur group. In 1920, he married Astrid Peersen, and they remained together until his passing in 1976.


Drabløs began his acting career with The Norwegian Play team, founded by Hulda Garborg, and became part of The Norwegian Theater from its opening in 1913. He performed in numerous roles, excelling in Chekhov’s and Holberg’s plays, and even ran his own touring company between 1920 and 1925. While he mainly took on small roles in films, he was also known for his work in radio plays and poetry reading.

Death and Legacy

Edvard Drabløs passed away on April 29, 1976, in Oslo, Norway, at the age of 93. His contributions to theater and film left a significant mark, and he was honored as an honorary member of the Norwegian Actors Union in 1954 and knighted by the King of Norway in 1953.


TitleRelease DateCharacter
Ni liv1957-10-03Skolelæreren
Gjest Baardsen1939-12-26En fisker
Tørres Snørtevold1940-12-26Tørres far
Trysil-Knut1942-04-29Pål Skolemester
Felix1921-12-26Abraham, losen
To mistenkelige personer1950-12-31Løsgjenger
Vi gifter oss1951-01-15Hansen
Storfolk og småfolk1951-10-29Bestefar
Bør Børson Jr.1938-12-26Bør Olderdalen, ‘Gammel bør’
Kimer i klokker1951-12-17Bestefar
Jomfru Trofast1921-09-12Albertus Kvalhei
Samhold må til1935-09-27Far til Øyvin
Om kjærligheten synger de1946-10-30Stoffer
Gullfjellet1941-04-14En bonde