Edward Sewer

Edward Sewer was an American actor who is best known for his role in The Warriors. Born on September 2, 1948, he made notable contributions to the film industry until his death on April 19, 2004.

Personal and Family Life

Edward Sewer was born in New York City and showed an early interest in acting. Details about his family life are limited, but he maintained a passion for his craft throughout his life.


Sewer gained recognition for his performance in The Warriors, a cult classic released in 1979. His portrayal of Gramercy Riff earned him a place in the hearts of many fans of the film. Although he had a smaller body of work, his contributions remain memorable.

Death and Legacy

Edward Sewer passed away on April 19, 2004, due to prostate cancer. His work in the film industry continues to be celebrated, particularly his iconic role in The Warriors. His legacy lives on through the appreciation of his performance by fans and film enthusiasts alike.


1979The WarriorsGramercy Riff