Freimut Duve

Freimut Duve was a German-American actor who is best known for Europa, abends, Ulrike Marie Meinhof, and Pro & Contra.

Personal and Family Life

Freimut Duve was born on November 26, 1936, in Würzburg, Bavaria, Germany. He was married to Karin Weber-Duve and they had one child together. His daughter Tamara was married to Helmut Dietl until his death in 2015, and they had a daughter.

Death and Legacy

Freimut Duve passed away on March 3, 2020, in Hamburg, Germany. His work in film and television left a mark on the industry, and he is remembered for his contributions to cinema and storytelling.


1989Europa, abendsActor
1995Ulrike Marie MeinhofActor
1968Pro & ContraActor