Gay Seabrook

Gay Seabrook was an American actress best known for her roles in Bedtime Worries, Wild Poses, and What a Bozo!. Born on April 4, 1901, in Seattle, Washington, she left a mark on the entertainment industry before passing away on April 18, 1970, in Bedford Hills, New York.

Personal and Family Life

Gay Seabrook was born Gladys Johnson and was a talented performer. She teamed up with Emerson Treacy to create “Treacy and Seabrook,” a popular comedy duo in the early 1930s, reminiscent of Burns and Allen. They gained fame for their routines on radio and in theaters.

Career Highlights

Seabrook was widely recognized for providing the voice of Sniffles, a cartoon character, until 1941. She and Treacy are particularly remembered for portraying Spanky’s parents in two “Our Gang” shorts, Wild Poses and Bedtime Worries, which remain beloved classics among fans.

Death and Legacy

Gay Seabrook passed away on April 18, 1970. Her contributions to the entertainment industry, especially in radio and early film comedies, left a lasting impression. She is remembered for her unique talents and her roles that brought joy to many viewers.


TitleRelease DateCharacter
Bedtime Worries1933-09-08Gay Treacy
Hasty Marriage1931-12-16Kitty
Escort Girl1941-11-04Maizie (uncredited)
Ten Laps to Go1936-12-05Dancer
Corsair1931-11-28Susie Grenoble
She Learned About Sailors1934-06-28Stenographer
Desirable1934-09-08Cousin Charlotte
Strictly Personal1933-03-17Giggles (uncredited)
The Long Shot1939-01-06Helen Knox
Sniffles and the Bookworm1939-12-01Various (voice) (uncredited)
Diamond Jim1935-09-01Nurse
Wild Poses1933-10-28Gay Treacy (Spanky’s Mom)
Big Hearted Herbert1934-10-06Miss Plunket – Herbert’s Secretary (uncredited)
Half a Sinner1934-06-01Louella
Romance in the Rain1934-08-13Gloria
What a Bozo!1931-11-07Gay
Only Yesterday1933-11-01Toodie (Uncredited)
The Egg Collector1940-07-20Various (voice) (uncredited)
Ex-Lady1933-05-15Miss Seymour (uncredited)
Imitation of Life1934-11-23Party Guest (uncredited)
Embarrassing Moments1934-09-01Miss Dodd
Under The Cock-eyed Moon1930-12-26Ivy Vine
Racketeers of the Range1939-05-26Penny Jones
The Higgins Family1938-03-28Lydia Amesworth
Keyhole Katie1933-01-15Keyhole Katie