Gerald Tannebaum

Gerald Tannebaum was an American actor best known for his roles in Chinese films such as 白求恩大夫, 林則徐, and 停战以后. He was an influential figure in bridging cultural gaps between the US and China through his work in film and education.

Personal and Family Life

Born in 1917 in Baltimore, Maryland, Gerald graduated from Northwestern University in 1939. He initially worked in advertising before serving in the US Army during World War II. After the war, he worked in China, eventually leading to a significant involvement with the Chinese Welfare Association.


Gerald became active in the Chinese film industry, playing foreign roles typically as negative English characters. Although he gained popularity amongst Chinese audiences, he limited his roles due to his stance against portraying negative American characters. He also taught English and American literature at various universities in Shanghai, contributing to education during his time there.

Death and Legacy

Gerald Tannebaum passed away on March 9, 2001, in Santa Barbara, California, due to complications from Parkinson’s disease. He left behind a legacy of cultural exchange between the United States and China and is remembered for his contributions to theater and education in both countries.


TitleRelease DateCharacter
林則徐1959-08-21Di Yan