Heli Finkenzeller

Heli Finkenzeller was a German actress known for her roles in Suchkind 312, Der erste Frühlingstag, and Opernball. She gained fame in the film industry starting in the 1930s and was celebrated for her performances in both comedies and dramas.

Personal and Family Life

Born on November 17, 1911, in Munich, Germany, Heli Finkenzeller had a rich family life. She was married twice, first to Will Dohm, with whom she had two children, and later to Alfred Bittins until his death in 1970. She was also the mother of actress Gaby Dohm.

Career Highlights

Finkenzeller began her acting career in films in the 1930s under the guidance of director Karl Ritter and became well-known for her work with UFA. Throughout the 1960s, she shifted her focus from film to the stage, performing in notable theaters such as the Kleine Komödie in Munich and the Renaissance Theater in Berlin. Her versatility allowed her to excel in both comedic and dramatic roles.

Death and Legacy

Heli Finkenzeller passed away on January 14, 1991, in Munich, Germany, after battling cancer. Her contributions to German cinema and theater left a lasting impact, and she is remembered as a talented actress who captivated audiences for decades.


TitleRelease DateCharacter
Emil und die Detektive1954-10-14Frau Tischbein
Briefträger Müller1953-10-01Charlotte Müller
Mein Sohn, der Herr Minister1937-07-06Nannette – seine Frau
Opernball1939-12-22Helene Hollinger
Am Brunnen vor dem Tore1952-12-18Mary Murphy
Der Mustergatte1937-10-12Doddy Wheeler
Mikosch rückt ein1952-10-08Claire von Ferency
Münchnerinnen1949-01-28Resi Schegerer
Am Sonntag will mein Süßer mit mir segeln gehn1961-10-12Alice Ackermann, die Neureiche
Das Bad auf der Tenne1943-07-30Antje, seine Frau
Wo ist Herr Belling?1945-01-01Bettina Heinemann
Wegen Verführung Minderjähriger1960-11-11Hanna Rugge
Die Gegenprobe1965-04-28Elisabeth Blessing
Ein Fall aus lauter Liebe1968-08-16Frau Friedrichsen
Der höhere Befehl1935-12-30Käte Traß
Boccaccio1936-07-30Fiametta, Petruccios Frau
Diskretion – Ehrensache1938-08-23Mary Hopkins
Tausend Melodien1956-06-18Tante Dele
Ein Sommer, den man nie vergißt1959-12-18Mrs. Dr.Manning
Gold für Montevasall1968-09-21Fürstin von Montevasall
Die wilde Auguste1956-03-08Baronin Asta von Hastig