Imre Hámory

Imre Hámory was an American actor best known for Magyar kívánsághangverseny, Borcsa Amerikában, and A leányvári boszorkány.

Personal and Family Life

Imre Hámory was born on June 9, 1909, in Bakonytamási, Hungary. Little is known about his personal life, but he had a career that spanned several decades in acting. His early works in Hungary helped him gain recognition in the film industry.


Imre Hámory made significant contributions to Hungarian cinema. He was involved in various projects throughout his career, showcasing his talent in both drama and comedy. His performances in notable films helped establish his reputation as a skilled actor.

Death and Legacy

Imre Hámory passed away on November 12, 1967, in Budapest, Hungary. His work continues to be remembered by fans of Hungarian cinema, and he has left a lasting impact on the industry. His films remain significant contributions to the cultural landscape of Hungary.


Magyar kívánsághangverseny1944Unknown5.3
A leányvári boszorkány1938Cserõczy Béla, diák6.2
Borcsa Amerikában1938Szalai Pista5.9