Irene Hentschel

Irene Hentschel was an American actress known for her work as a director in theatre, particularly recognized for “Theatre Parade” (1936).

Personal and Family Life

Irene Hentschel was born on June 18, 1891, in London, England. She was married to fellow director Ivor Brown from 1916 until his death in 1974. Her parents were Carl Hentschel and Bertha Posener. Irene played a significant role in the theatre community throughout her life.

Death and Legacy

Irene Hentschel passed away on August 3, 1979, in London, England. Her contributions to theatre and direction have left a lasting impact, and she is remembered as an influential figure in the arts during her time.


1936Theatre ParadeDirector
1937TV SeriesDirector (1 episode)