Jarmila Kurandová

Jarmila Kurandová was an American actress who is best known for The Proud Princess, Týden v tichém dome, and Posel úsvitu. She was born on January 30, 1890, in Veselá u Pocátek, Austria-Hungary (now the Czech Republic) and passed away on December 6, 1978, in Brno, Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic).

Personal and Family Life

Jarmila was born Maria Martínková and was married to Frantisek Kuranda until his death in 1976. Her family life remains relatively private, but she is remembered for her contributions to theater and film.


Throughout her acting career, Jarmila Kurandová appeared in several notable films, establishing herself as a significant figure in Czech cinema. Her performances in movies such as The Proud Princess and Týden v tichém dome are particularly acclaimed, showcasing her talent and versatility as an actress.

Death and Legacy

Jarmila Kurandová passed away on December 6, 1978, leaving behind a rich legacy in the film industry. Her work continues to be admired, and she is remembered as a talented actress who made significant contributions to Czech cinema.


TitleRelease DateCharacter
Pyšná princezna1952-09-26Farmer’s wife
Princezna se zlatou hvězdou1959-12-18chůva
Vyšší princip1960-11-23
Konec strašidel1953-08-14Zapletalová
Mladá léta1953-02-27Alois’ Mother
Ves v pohraničí1948-02-20Mařenka Pavlasová
Rodinné trampoty oficiála Tříšky1949-12-30Tříšková
Tři zlaté vlasy děda Vševěda1963-11-22sudička
Čtenáři a jejich svět1947-01-01
Týden v tichém domě1947-08-22Barbora Bavorová
Dva ohně1950-02-17Kramerova
Vstanou noví bojovníci1951-02-23Slámova matka
Botostroj1954-09-24Horáková, Josk’s mother
Přicházejí z tmy1954-06-18widow Anežka Martincová
Rudá záře nad Kladnem1956-02-24widow Minarikova
Svědomí1949-03-25woman in the crowd
Zlatý pavouk1957-02-22Mary’s grandmother
Advent1957-01-11Plesnicka Metúdková
Synové hor1956-12-21
Mraky a sluníčko u Kurandů1930-12-31
Pancho se žení1946-09-27
Rychlík do Ostravy1960-10-28
Posel úsvitu1951-09-28
Život pro Jana Kašpara1959-05-29Jan’s mother
Usměvavá zem1952-06-05
Pouta1961-09-22Klimes’ wife
Dařbuján a Pandrhola1960-06-10porodní bába
Čas jeřabin1963-01-01
Deváté jméno1964-04-24
Alcestin návrat1966-02-28
Dokud jsou ryby němé1971-01-01
Panter čeká v 17,301972-04-21