John S. Kuhn

John S. Kuhn was an American actor and producer who is best known for his roles in Cold, Kitchen Hamlet, and The Endangered. He was recognized for his contributions to film and television until his passing.

Personal and Family Life

John S. Kuhn was born and raised in the United States. While details about his family life are relatively private, he had a passion for acting that propelled him into various roles throughout his career.


Kuhn had a diverse career in acting and production, known for both his versatile performances and his work behind the scenes. His notable films include Cold, where he portrayed Tobias, and Kitchen Hamlet, showcasing his talents in various genres.

Death and Legacy

John S. Kuhn passed away on February 28, 2015, in Columbus, Ohio, due to a heart attack. His work continues to be remembered by fans and colleagues in the film industry, leaving a lasting impact through his performances.


2019ConstraintProfessor David
2009Kitchen HamletGhost
2008The EndangeredConnor Lumford
2004Mrs. Stevens Hears the Mermaids SingingJason Frothingham