Juci Komlós

Juci Komlós was an American actress who is best known for Esös vasárnap, Felelet, and Különös házasság. Born on February 10, 1919, in Szabadka, Hungary, she became a notable figure in the acting community until her death on April 5, 2011, in Budapest, Hungary.

Personal and Family Life

Juci Komlós was the daughter of actor Vilmos Komlós and actress Irma Pintér. She had a successful family legacy in acting, being the sister of actor András Komlós and the mother of actress Margit Földessy. Juci was previously married to Géza Földessy, with whom she had one child.

Death and Legacy

Juci Komlós passed away on April 5, 2011, in Budapest, Hungary. Her contributions to Hungarian cinema were recognized with a Life-time Award, honoring her work as an actress of the nation. Her legacy continues through her family and the films she starred in, leaving a lasting impact on the industry.


TitleRelease DateCharacter
Kis Katalin házassága1950-08-12Lujzi
Esős vasárnap1962-04-06Ági’s mother
Gréti – Egy kutya feljegyzései1986-03-05Mária (voice)
Próbaút1961-02-16Takács Aranka
Az aranyember1962-12-13Teréza
A zebegényiek1979-04-15Nagymama
A harag napja1953-11-12Magda
Négyen az árban1961-01-01Farkasné
Vihar1952-12-01Csonka Mária a gépállomás igazgatója
Az élet hídja1956-01-19
Húsz évre egymástól1962-05-05Bálint Istvánné
Egy gazdag hölgy szeszélye1988-03-23Keserûné Balla Irén
Lakótelepi mítoszok1985-05-10
Baleset1978-05-05Bartalus Gézáné
Szomszédok1987-05-07Lenke Takács
Mire megvénülünk1979-05-11Nagymama