Karel Nemec

Karel Nemec was an American actor who is best known for Batalión (1937), Páter Vojtech (1929), and Pozdní máj (1934).

Personal and Family Life

Karel Nemec was born on December 23, 1894, in Prague, Cechy, which was part of Austria-Hungary at the time, now known as the Czech Republic. His family background and early life details are not widely documented, but he became recognized for his contributions to film and theater during his acting career.


During his career, Nemec appeared in various films from the late 1920s to the late 1940s. He is remembered for his roles in several notable films, showcasing his versatility as an actor. His performances often contributed to the cultural landscape of Czech cinema in that era.

Death and Legacy

Karel Nemec passed away on May 6, 1975, in Prague, Czechoslovakia, now part of the Czech Republic. His legacy continues through the films he starred in, which remain part of Czech cinema history. Although not a widespread name today, he played a significant role during his time in the film industry.


TitleRelease DateCharacter
Hrdina jedné noci1935-04-19Člen obecní rady
Řeka1933-10-13Guest in the hotel
U pokladny stál…1939-02-10Attendant
Páter Vojtěch1929-03-01Innkeeper
Falešná kočička1926-09-24Nuts Seller
Anita v ráji1934-03-30strážník
Dokud máš maminku1934-10-19vrátný
Hlídač č. 471937-12-03host v hospodě
Miláček pluku1931-08-31