Maisie Gay

Maisie Gay was an American actress who is best known for The Old Man, To Oblige a Lady, and The Siren’s Song. She was born on January 7, 1883, in London, England, UK, and passed away on September 13, 1945, in London, England, UK.

Personal and Family Life

Maisie Gay was born as Maisie Munro-Nobel. There are records written by her father that claim she was born in 1878, which differs from her official birth date. In 1934, she retired from acting and went on to run the Northey Arms, a country pub located in Box, Wiltshire. Interestingly, some of her theatrical friends mentioned that the famous playwright Noel Coward would occasionally visit her pub and even serve drinks behind the bar.

Death and Legacy

Maisie Gay died on September 13, 1945, in her hometown of London. Her contributions to the acting world, particularly in the early 20th century, have been remembered through her performances in film and theater. Although she retired from the spotlight, her legacy continues to be appreciated by theater enthusiasts and historians.


1931The Old ManMrs. Harris
1931To Oblige a LadyMrs. Harris
1930The Shaming of the TrueThe Woman
1915The Siren’s SongMyra Gordon