Marianne Mantell

Marianne Mantell was an American actress who is best known for her role in Bei den Indios – Zwei Kinder in einem fremden Land (1972).

Personal and Family Life

Marianne Mantell was born on November 23, 1929, in Berlin, Deutsches Reich. She married Harold Mantell in 1956, and they had four children together: Michael, David, Eva, and Stephen. The couple remained together until Harold’s death in 2006.


Marianne had a notable acting career, with her well-known performance in the TV short, Bei den Indios – Zwei Kinder in einem fremden Land, in 1972. Her work contributed to her recognition in the film industry, although she may not have been widely known outside of her specific projects.

Death and Legacy

Marianne Mantell passed away on January 22, 2023, in Princeton, New Jersey, due to complications from a fall. Her contributions to acting, particularly in her notable film role, are remembered by her family and fans.


1972Bei den Indios – Zwei Kinder in einem fremden LandMutter