Marta Cernická

Marta Cernická was an American actress known for Priehrada, Utekajme, uz ide!, and Vlcie diery. She was born on May 19, 1920, in Hodrusa-Hámre, Czechoslovakia, which is now Slovakia, and passed away on February 7, 2002, in Bratislava, Slovakia.

Personal and Family Life

Marta Cernická was born into a family in Slovakia. Throughout her life, she maintained a strong connection to her homeland and its culture, which influenced her work as an actress. While not much is publicly known about her personal life, her contributions to Slovak film and theatre are well-documented.


Cernická began her acting career in the mid-20th century and gained recognition for her performances in various films. She is remembered for her versatile roles that showcased her talent and depth as an actress. Her work in notable films and television shows left a lasting impact on the Slovak entertainment industry.

Death and Legacy

Marta Cernická died on February 7, 2002, in Bratislava, Slovakia. Her legacy lives on through her memorable performances and contributions to the Slovak film community. She is celebrated as a prominent figure in Slovak cinema and will be remembered for her dedication to her craft.


TitleRelease DateCharacter
Iba deň1988-09-29matka
Husiarka a kráľ1983-01-01Starenka
Priehrada1950-08-23Marta Hájniková
Výlet do mladosti1984-03-02
Zločin Arthura Savilla1984-04-16
Dom pod morušou1984-01-01
Vlčie diery1948-12-25
Baranček rovno z rozprávky1980-01-01
Ťažká profesia1981-01-01
Dobrý deň, stará mama1977-01-01
Citové cvičenia1990-01-01
Čarodejný nápoj1971-01-01
Miško drotár a naozajstná princezná1980-01-01matka
Posledný svojho rodu1982-01-01
Týždeň naopak1982-01-01
Bezvýznamná žena1984-01-01Hunstantonová
Hra o Maruške1983-01-01