Martha Angerstein-Licho

Martha Angerstein-Licho was an American actress who is best known for Die rollende Kugel, Schuldig, and Zu spät. Born on March 26, 1885, in Warsaw, Poland, she became a successful stage actress after moving to Germany.

Personal and Family Life

Martha married Adolf E. Licho, and they faced challenges due to the political climate in Germany during the rise of the Nazis. Her husband, labeled as half-Jewish, was forced to flee to the USA, but Martha was unable to join him due to complications with immigration documents. She spent some time living in Austria before returning to Berlin, only to later leave for Glatzen and then to Bavaria after World War II.

Death and Legacy

Martha Angerstein-Licho passed away in 1932 in the USA. Despite facing many hardships throughout her life, including separation from her husband and difficulties during the war, she is remembered for her contributions to the performing arts and her resilience in the face of adversity.


1923TieflandMaria – Enrico’s Tochter
1922Kinder der ZeitFrau des Bankkassierers
1921Verrat auf Schloß TreuenfelsGräfin Orsinski
1921EntgleistRole not specified
1919Die rollende KugelPauline Sagorianskij
1918Doktor Palmore. Der schleichende TodRole not specified
1918Keimendes Leben, Teil 1Frau Wechmar
1918Ringende SeelenShort
1918Der lebende LeichnamRole not specified
1916Mutter und KindAgnes Palen
1915VaterliebeRole not specified
1915Die Rache des BlutesShort
1914Deutsche FrauenShort
1913Gebrochene SchwingenShort
1913SchuldigFrau Martha Lehr