Mary Streep

Mary Streep was an American actress who is best known for her role in Heartburn. She was born on July 30, 1915, in Connecticut, USA, and passed away on September 29, 2001.

Personal and Family Life

Mary Streep was married to Harry William Streep, Jr., and they had three children together: Meryl, Harry, and Dana Streep. Mary also became a grandmother to four grandchildren: Mamie, Henry, Grace Jane, and Louisa. Her husband was a pharmaceutical executive, and Mary worked as a commercial artist and art editor.

Death and Legacy

Mary Streep died on September 29, 2001, in Stamford, Connecticut. She left behind a legacy through her talented children and grandchildren, many of whom are involved in the arts. Mary was respected for her contributions and influence in the industry.


Heartburn1986Dinner Party Guest