Musa Dudayev

Musa Dudayev was an American actor who is best known for White Sun of the Desert, Rasstanemsya – poka khoroshie, and Goryanka. He was born on February 16, 1938 in Vedenskiy rayon, Checheno-Ingushskaya ASSR, RSFSR, USSR, and he passed away on August 6, 2014.

Personal and Family Life

Musa Dudayev was born in a region known for its rich cultural heritage. Not much public information is available about his family or personal life, but he was recognized for his contributions to the arts and cinema.


Musa Dudayev’s career in acting was marked by several notable roles. He became widely recognized for his work in the film White Sun of the Desert, which solidified his status as a prominent actor in Soviet cinema.

Death and Legacy

Musa Dudayev passed away on August 6, 2014. He left behind a legacy as a talented actor who contributed significantly to film and television within his cultural context.


TitleRelease DateCharacter
Белое солнце пустыни1969-12-14Rakhimov
Тайна рукописного Корана1990-08-27Said-bey
Кольцо Старого Шейха1980-08-02
Под знаком однорогой коровы1986-01-01
Расстанемся – пока хорошие1991-08-09mulla
Приказано забыть2014-10-14
По следам Карабаира1979-01-01bandit Rahman Bekboev
Когда отзовётся эхо1989-01-01