Rutland Barrington

Rutland Barrington was an English actor known for his significant contributions to the D’Oyly Carte Opera Company, particularly for his roles in operas by W.S. Gilbert and A.S. Sullivan. He was born on January 15, 1853, in Penge, Bromley, Kent, and passed away on June 1, 1922, in London. Barrington’s career spanned numerous successful performances, making him a celebrated figure in Victorian theatre.

Personal and Family Life

Rutland Barrington was born George Rutland Barrington-Fleet. Little is publicly known about his early family life. He joined the D’Oyly Carte Opera Company in 1877 and quickly made a name for himself as a talented singer and actor.

Career Highlights

Barrington played many iconic roles during his time with the D’Oyly Carte Opera Company. He originated characters in popular works, including Dr. Daly in “The Sorcerer,” Corcoran in “HMS Pinafore,” and Pooh-Bah in “The Mikado.” He briefly left the company to manage theatre productions but returned to create more memorable roles. In his later years, he published autobiographies detailing his experiences on stage.

Death and Legacy

Rutland Barrington died in 1922 and was initially buried in an unmarked grave due to financial difficulties. However, his resting place was rediscovered, and fans of his work eventually erected a gravestone in his memory. He is remembered as one of the most popular performers of the Victorian era, especially for his contributions to the operatic theatre.


1916The Girl Who Loves a SoldierMr. Beaumont
1916Still Waters Run DeepMr. Potter
1916The Great AdventureMr. Texel
1900Umbrella Dance, San ToyYen How