Sherman Bainbridge

Sherman Bainbridge was an American actor and writer best known for The Raid of the Human Tigers, Coral, and The Girl Who Won Out. He was born on February 25, 1880, in New York City, New York, USA, and passed away on January 14, 1950, in Los Angeles, California, USA.

Personal and Family Life

Not much is known about Sherman Bainbridge’s personal and family life. He was born in New York City and likely began his acting career there. He spent much of his life in the film industry, contributing to various projects during his career.


Sherman Bainbridge had a diverse career in acting, appearing in several films from the early 1910s. His performances in silent films made him a notable figure in the entertainment industry of that time. He is remembered for his roles in movies such as The Werewolf and The Girl Who Won Out.

Death and Legacy

Sherman Bainbridge died on January 14, 1950, in Los Angeles, California. His contributions to silent cinema are still recognized, and he left behind a legacy of early film work that continues to be of interest to film historians and enthusiasts.


TitleRelease DateCharacter
The Werewolf1913-12-13Stone Eye
The Eleventh Hour1915-01-10
What the River Foretold1915-11-13Jim Titus
The Girl Who Won Out1917-10-08Jack Beal
The Village Choir1913-03-17
Old Mammy’s Secret Code1913-07-16
The Sign of the Snake1913-11-28Col. Crewe