Trudi Roth

Trudi Roth was an American actress who is best known for Der 42. Himmel, Schlager-Raketen, and Heute gehn wir bummeln.

Personal and Family Life

Trudi Roth was born Gertrud Roth on April 2, 1930, in Basel, Switzerland. She lived a relatively private life, maintaining a low profile outside of her acting career. Not much is publicly known about her family or early life.


Roth became known for her roles in several films and television series during the 1960s. Her performances in productions like Der 42. Himmel and Fascht e Familie showcased her talent and versatility as an actress. She continued to work in the industry until the early 2000s, leaving a lasting impact on her audience.

Death and Legacy

Trudi Roth passed away on June 11, 2016, in Zürich, Switzerland, due to dementia. Her contributions to film and television are remembered by her fans and the film community. Even after her passing, her performances continue to be celebrated.


Flamingo2004Beetli Huber
Fascht e Familie1994–1999Martha Aebersold
Theo gegen den Rest der Welt1980Mutter Ines
Beyond Control1968
Ehrsams sehn färn1963
Der 42. Himmel1962
Heute gehn wir bummeln1961(as Trude Roth)
Lysistrata 1958 oder ‘Lysi und die verhinderten Männer’1958