Vicky Vanita

Vicky Vanita was an American actress and producer, best known for Rembetiko (1983), Eisai to tairi mou! (2001), and Edo einai Valkania! (1984). She was born in 1948 and passed away on March 8, 2007, in Athens, Greece.

Personal and Family Life

Vicky Vanita, born Vasiliki Vanita, had a noteworthy career in the entertainment industry. Little is known about her early life and family, but her contributions to film and television are remembered fondly by her fans and peers.


Vicky’s acting career began in the late 1960s. She became famous for her roles in various films and television shows, showcasing her talent and versatility as an actress. Her performance in Rembetiko earned her critical acclaim and is regarded as one of her most memorable works.

Death and Legacy

Vicky Vanita passed away in 2007, losing her battle with lung cancer. Her legacy continues to live on through her work, and she is remembered as a significant figure in Greek cinema.


TitleRelease DateCharacter
Ναι Μεν, Αλλά…1972-11-06
Ένας Τρελλός Γλεντζές1970-01-01Thaleia Kortesi
Πίσω μου σ’ έχω σατανά1971-02-08Dina
Ο Τρελοπενηντάρης1971-01-01Julia Tependri
Έμπαινε Μανωλιό1970-01-01Popi
Θύελλα Στο Σπίτι Των Ανέμων1968-01-01
Εδώ είναι Βαλκάνια1984-10-06Journalist
Αν Ήμουν Πλούσιος1972-01-01Mitsi
Θηλυκό θηριοτροφείο1984-01-01
Το Δίδυμο της Συμφοράς1989-05-31
Ο Μανωλιός στην Ευρώπη1971-01-01
Ο Μανωλιός ξαναχτυπά1971-01-01
Το γυμνό κορίτσι1982-11-09
Το Ρετιρέ1990-09-19Νόρα Ζαχαροπούλου
Έξοδος κινδύνου1978-05-09