Viktor Demertash

Viktor Demertash was an American actor born on June 15, 1947, in Kiev, USSR. He is best known for his roles in Captain Nemo (1975), The Big Fight, and Ölsäm… bagisla (1989). He passed away on December 25, 2019.

Personal and Family Life

Viktor Demertash’s personal life remains relatively private. There is limited information available about his family details and early life. However, he dedicated much of his career to acting and contributing to the film industry.


Demertash had a successful acting career, featuring in various films and television shows. His notable performances were recognized in both dramatic and comedic roles throughout his career, showcasing his versatility as an actor.

Death and Legacy

Viktor Demertash died on December 25, 2019. His contributions to the film industry have left a lasting impact, and he is remembered fondly by fans and colleagues alike. His work continues to be appreciated by new generations of moviegoers.


TitleRelease DateCharacter
Молитва за гетьмана Мазепу2002-02-14Judge General Kochubei
Лісова пісня. Мавка1980-07-23Koots
Данило – князь Галицький1987-07-28
Із житія Остапа Вишні1991-01-01
Соломʼяні дзвони1987-10-02
Лебединое озеро. Зона1990-06-13Prison Guard
Брати. Остання сповідь2014-11-27Starý Stanislav
Сапоги всмятку1978-10-31
Капитан Немо1975-01-25Francois
Духи ада1992-01-01
Допинг для ангелов1990-01-01
Расколотое небо1979-12-31Григорьев
Приключения Верки Сердючки2005-12-31
Какая у вас улыбка1974-12-25Petya, radio installer
Не будите спящую собаку1991-07-05
Одиссея капитана Блада1991-12-03Paul Cauzak
Дождь в чужом городе1979-11-30
Легенда о княгине Ольге1984-02-27Prince Mal of the Drevlians
Ми — чоловіки!1992-01-01Narrator (voice)