Vittorio Pieri

Vittorio Pieri was an Italian actor who is best known for Il ponte dei sospiri, Il segno dei tempi, and La piccola parrocchia. He had a notable career in early 20th-century cinema, contributing to various films during that era.

Personal and Family Life

Vittorio Pieri was born in 1854 in Turin, Italy. Details about his family life are limited, but he spent most of his life in his hometown. He became active in the theatre and film industry during a time of great change in entertainment.


Pieri’s acting career included multiple film roles, especially in the early 1920s. Some of his notable projects include films such as Largo alle donne!, L’arzigogolo, and Il sogno d’amore. His performances contributed to the rich tapestry of Italian cinema during this period.

Death and Legacy

Vittorio Pieri passed away on May 21, 1926, in Turin, Italy. His work in film provides a glimpse into the artistic movements of his time, and he is remembered for his contributions to the early days of Italian cinema.


1924Largo alle donne!Actor
1923Le sorprese del divorzioCorbuillon – lo zio
1923I due FoscariActor
1923La piccola parrocchiaNapoleone Merivet
1923Il fornaretto di VeneziaMarco Faciol
1923La storia di Clo-Cloil Conte zio
1922I due sergentiActor
1922Il sogno d’amoreActor
1922Il controllore dei vagoni lettoActor
1922La grande passioneActor
1922Il mistero di Bernardo BrownActor
1921Il segno dei tempiActor