Vladimir Fyodorov

Vladimir Fyodorov was an American actor known for Ruslan and Ludmila, To the Stars by Hard Ways, and Kin-dza-dza!. He was born on February 19, 1939, and passed away on May 18, 2021, in Moscow, Russia.

Personal and Family Life

Vladimir Fyodorov was married to Vera from 2004 until his death in 2021. Details about his early life and family are not widely documented, but he enjoyed a successful career in acting and production.


Fyodorov had a distinguished career in the film industry, participating in various projects throughout the years. Some of his notable works include performances in films such as Ruslan and Ludmila and Kin-dza-dza!. His unique talent and roles contributed to the rich tapestry of Russian cinema.

Death and Legacy

Vladimir Fyodorov died on May 18, 2021, after a long illness. His contributions to cinema have left a lasting impression, and he is remembered for his engaging performances and memorable characters.


TitleRelease DateCharacter
Через тернии к звёздам1981-04-01Turanchoks
Женя, Женечка и «Катюша»1967-08-21
Лісова пісня. Мавка1980-07-23Hunger Imps
Руслан и Людмила1972-10-12Chernomor
Легенда о Тиле1977-04-03Jan de Paepe
7 дней с русской красавицей1996-07-22
Жила-была одна баба2011-10-27юродивый
Хаги – Траггер1994-11-13
Тайна снежной королевы2015-06-30
Кин-дза-дза!1986-12-01Yellow Pants
Китайскiй сервизъ2000-01-03