William Balfour

William Balfour was an American actor who is best known for his role in A Son of the Hills. He was active primarily in the theater during the early 20th century and made significant contributions to Broadway.

Personal and Family Life

William Balfour was born on October 14, 1874. Little is known about his family background or personal life, but he was a prominent figure in the theater community during his time.


Balfour was active on Broadway from 1904 to 1939. His most notable film appearance was in the silent movie A Son of the Hills, where he played the character Jeff Crothers. He was well-respected among his peers for his talent and dedication to the stage.

Death and Legacy

William Balfour passed away on April 12, 1964, in New York City, New York, USA. His contributions to theater and film have left a lasting impact, particularly in the realm of early 20th-century American performing arts.


1917A Son of the HillsJeff Crothers